QESS activities news

SLSS Activities

The Student Learning Support System will orgnaising activities from time to time, different activities such as contests, workshops and webinars will be held to enrich students' academic experience in the College.


Are you interested to be part of a team to join a TV game show?

The TVB Jade programme “Family Feud” is a game show broadcast on Sunday evening in which the winning team may get an award of $50,000. On 7 November, a team comprising students from a university participated (YouTube video). UOWCHK is considering forming a team to join the contest.

If you are interested, please send your name, student number, programme of study and mobile phone number through email to the Academic Registrar, Dr S K Cheung, at skcheung@uow.edu.au before 22 November 2021 (Monday). If around 5 students show interest, he will coordinate and prepare you for the game.


1. Any personal data collected will be strictly used for organizing a team for this TV programme.

2. Because the programme is in Cantonese, interested participants must be fluent in Cantonese.



無線電視翡翠台星期日晚上播放的遊戲節目《思家大戰 》正招募參加者,勝出之隊伍有機會獲得五萬元獎金。十一月七日的賽事由某大學組成的學生隊伍勝出 (YouTube 視頻)。學院現擬組織一隊學生隊伍參加。

如果你有興趣,請於十一月二十二日(星期一)前向教務長張兆球博士表示意願 (電郵:skcheung@uow.edu.au),並提交你的姓名,學生編號,所讀課程和手提電話號碼。如果有約五位同學感興趣,張博士將統籌並裝備隊伍出戰。


1. 同學提交的個人資料,只會用於安排參加此電視遊戲節目。

2. 由於節目是以廣東話播放,參加者必須操流利廣東話。

The College is organizing a “We Learn, We Share” Learning Video Production Competition in which you can participate individually or in a team of up to six members to produce a short video on a topic related to a discipline.

Prizes are irresistible:

  • Champion: HK$5,000
  • 1st runner up: $3,000
  • 2nd runner up: $2,000
  • Finalists: $1,000


Deadline for enrollment (revised): 26 March 2021 (Friday).

Deadline for submission of video entries: 28 May 2021 (Friday).


What are you waiting for? Let's join now!


ACL Student Learning Support Scheme

UOW College Hong Kong


Tel. 2707 3127 

Email: uowchk-slss@uow.edu.au