Student Learning Support System

Virtual study learning support platform

This Virtual Student Learning Support Platform provides a collection of information and materials related to student learning skills. The contributors include staff of this College, experts from different areas writing in websites of educational institutes worldwide and, in particular, from those from the University of Wollongong.  Another kind of useful information covered by this centralized depository is the learning support activities organised by the College, different academic units as well as non-College parties. 



Student Learning Support System

Committed to delivering high quality teaching and nurturing graduates for their professionalism, the College strives to ensure that students are able to achieve the program’s intended learning outcomes and that they can develop the graduate attributes upheld by the College. However, there are multiple factors that may lead to variations in students’ achievement of expected outcomes in their study. Some students are not performing as well as they wish to even if they have tried their best. On this, research has suggested that learning and study strategies related to skill, will and self-regulation are contributing factors to students’ success in learning.


With an objective to enhance the learning and study strategies of students at an early stage of their studies in the College and to lessen the chance of disappointing results at graduation, the College has established the project “A College Level Student Learning Support System”. This project is designed to help academically “at risk” students achieve satisfactory results in their studies through targeted educational interventions to develop appropriate thoughts, behaviours, attitudes and motivation, and beliefs in their learning strategies. The needs of students for this support will be identified with a professional psychometric tool LASSI (Learning and Study Strategies Inventory). These students will according be given assistance through intervention measures including:


(i)    Peer Assisted Learning Scheme (PALS)

(ii)   Workshops on learning skills, will power and self-regulation practice

(iii)   A Student Learning Support Platform (this platform)


It is believed that these ‘educational intervention measures’ should benefit students by empowering them with the ability to achieve better outcomes in their academic and career pursuits in their future.

Project Team

Assistant Project Officer:

Mr. Andrew MUI

Assistant College Secretary


Tel. 2707 3127 
