
College Office 學院辦公室

CEO Asia, UOW Global Enterprises 伍倫貢大學環球企業亞太區行政總裁


NG, Jennifer Glok-hong 黃玉虹

BA S Fraser; MSocSc, PCEd HKU; FCIM, FHKIM; CMA(Aust.); MIPA

President 校長


TSANG, Currie 曾嘉勵

BSocSc, MSocSc HK; MRPSEd Brist; PgCert Westminster


Vice-President 副校長


CHOI, Charlie Yiu-kuen 蔡耀權

BSc CUHK; MSc Leeds; PhD Sunderland; CEng, MIET, MHKIE, RPE (ENS)


Consultant (Special Project) 顧問 (特別項目)


CHEUNG, Siu-kau 張兆球

BSocSc, AdvDipSW (Mental Health), MSocSc HKU; MAM (Tourism), MEBM Newcastle; PhD HKU; RSWHK


Consultant (Quality Assurance) 顧問 (課程質素)


MAH, Pauline Mui-leng 馬美玲

BA Canterbury; TESL Cert HKU; DMS PolyU; MEd Nottingham


Academic Registrar 教務長


KWONG, Kit Ching 鄺潔貞 

BSocSc HKU; Dip in Development Studies Cambridge ; DEd Leicester


Student Services 學生事務


Director of Student Services 學生事務主任


BUTT, Toby Man Kit 畢文傑

BSocSc (Hons), MFin HKU; CFA, FRM


College Administrative and Academic Support 學院行政及學術支援


Secretary for Finance and Operations 財務及營運主任


CHAN, Yiu-bing 陳瑤冰



Secretary for Communications and Public Relations 傳訊及公共關係主任


WONG, Edmand Yuk-man 黃育文



Marketing Director 市場推廣總監


PANG, Edwin Fu-bun 彭賦斌



Assistant College Secretaries 助理院務主任


MUI, Andrew Cham-yan 梅湛恩

BA(Hons) HKU; PGDip (Edu) Nottingham; MA CUHK


WONG, Anita Chung-man 王聰敏

BCom, MCom Queensland; CPA (Aust.)


Director of Quality Assurance 課程質素總監


YEUNG, Virginia Wing-yin 楊詠賢

BA (Hons), MPhil., PhD HKU


Information Technology Manager 資訊科技主任


LAM, Tony Chi-yung 林智勇

BSc, MBA CityU


Assistant Librarian 圖書館助理館長


WONG, Lesley Ka Wai 黃嘉慧

BA (Hons) Central Lancashire; MIS Charles Stuart  


Senior Executive Officers 高級事務主任

CHAN, Tango Tak-ko 陳德高

BSocSc (Hons) CityU ; MEd CUHK


HUNG, Connie Ka Ying 洪嘉霙

BCOM, Edith Cowan University



Counsellor 學生輔導主任

WONG, Oyan Ngo-yan 黃傲欣

BA (Hons) PolyU; MA EduHK; Certified Counsellor HKPCA


Executive Officers 事務主任


CHAN, Sze-sze 陳思思

LEE, Bruce Lap Tak 李立德

MA, Sze Man 馬思敏

SIU, Toby Pui Yu 蕭沛茹 

WONG, Audrey Lai-ting 王麗婷

YIP, Elaine Yin Ling 葉彥伶

KWOK, Wing Yan, 郭穎茵

WONG, Jacqueline Siu Yin, 黃小燕

LI, Janet Sin Man, 李倩雯

LAW, Vincent Ho Hin 羅浩軒