社會工作 (榮譽) 社會科學學士
本課程是一個為期三年的兼讀制課程,旨在為具有認可社會工作副學位或高級文憑的人士提供進修機會。本課程為學生提供廣泛的社會工作實務知識和進階技能,並深化學生的專業價值觀和態度。此外,本課程以福利政策和服務評估為重點,增強學生在這兩方面的知識以及公共服務管理的能力。 本課程頒授的學歷獲社會工作者註冊局認可,畢業生可申請成為註冊社會工作者。畢業生可受聘於香港特別行政區政府社會福利署及社會服務機構擔任助理社會工作主任(或同等職級),亦可以在社會工作和其他社會科學領域繼續深造,例如社會工作碩士、社會學或公共政策碩士等。
- 持有由大專院校頒發並獲社會工作者註冊局認可的社會工作副學士或高級文憑; 及
- 具有至少一年專業社會工作的實踐經驗 (計算至入學年九月共有至少一年全職的社工職位工作經驗)
- 直接存入或自動轉賬到恆生銀行戶口 (銀行代碼:024) (戶口號碼︰359-300001-004) 或
- 前往學院以八達通繳付
HK$3,500 每學分 x 36 社會工作課程學分 +
HK$2,540 每學分 x 15 通識課程學分 +
HK$4,000 每學分 x 9 實習課程學分
= HK$200,100
第一年: $67,740
第二年 $78,240
第三年: $54,120
擴展的免入息審查貸款計劃 (ENLS)
查詢: 2150 6223
網址: https://www.wfsfaa.gov.hk/tc/sfo/postsecondary/enls/overview.php
Programme Intended Learning Outcomes (PILOs) are statements of learning achievement that are expressed in terms of what the learner is expected to know, understand and be able to do upon completion of a course. Students graduating from this programme will be able to:
PILO | Description |
1. | Integrate their critical understanding of ethical issues and the professional code of practice with cultural awareness in carrying out social work duties. |
2. | Use social work and interdisciplinary knowledge to engage and work effectively with individuals, families, groups, organizations, and communities in social work practice. |
3. | Apply critical thinking skills within the context of professional social work practice in general and policy and service evaluation in particular. |
4. | Conduct research studies and apply research findings to their own practice with an aim to engage in evidence-based service evaluation and policy implementation. |
5. | Engage supervisory, planning and management skills in enhancing the delivery of social services and quality of social work practice, as well as facilitating the implementation of welfare policy. |
6. | Demonstrate abilities and capacity for life-long learning personally and professionally. |
7. | Communicate effectively in English and Chinese, both orally and in writing, in social work and related fields of the discipline and profession. |
- Social Work Theories and Practice
- Social Work Ethics and Values
- Social Welfare Policy Analysis
- Mental Health and Mental Disorders
- Administration and Management in Human Service
- Integrative Practice Seminar
To qualify for this award, a candidate must accumulate at least 60 credit points by satisfactory completion of the following courses.
Course Code |
Course Name |
Credit Points |
Semester A, Year 1 |
SSS3404 |
Social Work Ethics and Values |
3 |
SSS3405 |
Social Welfare Policy Analysis |
3 |
DGE3432 |
Hong Kong Society |
3 |
Semester B, Year 1 |
SSS3401 |
Social Work Theories and Practice I |
3 |
SSS3408 |
Research for Social Work |
3 |
DGE3944 |
English Professional Communication Skills for Social Work |
3 |
Semester C, Year 1 |
SSS3406 |
Law and Social Work |
3 |
Semester A, Year 2 |
SSS3402 |
Social Work Theories and Practice II |
3 |
SSS3403 |
Mental Health and Mental Disorders |
3 |
Elective I* |
3 |
*Elective I: choose 1 course among the 7 below |
SSS3411 |
Mental Health Issues and Intervention Approaches in Social Service |
3 |
SSS3412 |
Social Work with Older Adults |
3 |
SSS3413 |
School Social Work |
3 |
SSS3414 |
Social Work with Young People |
3 |
SSS3415 |
Working with Children and Families |
3 |
SSS3416 |
Health, Aging and Disability |
3 |
SSS3417 |
Social Innovations and Special Projects |
3 |
Semester B, Year 2 |
SSS3407 |
Social Work Theories and Practice III |
3 |
DGE3041 |
Chinese for Professional Communication |
3 |
Elective II* |
3 |
*Elective II: choose 1 course among the 7 below |
SSS3411 |
Mental Health Issues and Intervention Approaches in Social Service |
3 |
SSS3412 |
Social Work with Older Adults |
3 |
SSS3413 |
School Social Work |
3 |
SSS3414 |
Social Work with Young People |
3 |
SSS3415 |
Working with Children and Families |
3 |
SSS3416 |
Health, Aging and Disability |
3 |
SSS3417 |
Social Innovations and Special Projects |
3 |
Semester C, Year 2 |
SSS4401 |
Administration and Management in Human Service |
3 |
DGE3850 |
Contemporary China |
3 |
Semester A, Year 3 |
SSS4407 |
Fieldwork Placement (a two-semester course) |
4.5 |
DGE3433 |
Technology, Innovations and Society |
3 |
Semester B, Year 3 |
SSS4406 |
Integrative Practice Seminar |
3 |
SSS4407 |
Fieldwork Placement (a two-semester course) |
4.5 |
如對課程內容有任何查詢, 請聯絡課程主任, 尹建雯助理教授.
電話: (852) 2707 3223
傳真: (852) 2707 3224
電郵: uowchk-fss@uow.edu.au
地址: 香港新界大圍車公廟路18號3樓
香港伍倫貢學院 (港鐵大圍站B出口)
電話: (852) 2707 3111
傳真: (852) 2707 9440
電郵: uowchk-main@uow.edu.au
地址: 香港新界大圍車公廟路18號1樓
香港伍倫貢學院 (港鐵大圍站B出口)