UOW College Hong Kong (UOWCHK) was established by University of Wollongong (UOW), a world's top 162 University. We maintain an unwavering commitment to delivering top quality education and services that not only nurture the intellect, but also foster personal discovery and growth. We empower our students with rigorous curriculum design and early career exposure to relevant industries, and enhance their experience through study tours and local activities. At UOW College Hong Kong, we produce career-ready graduates and have a strong focus on articulation pathways and student progression. Our connections with the professional community, internship programs and highly qualified staff create an empowering environment for our students to acquire up-to-date business knowledge, build professional traits and develop their abilities to handle workplace challenges in the future.

Why study with us?

UOWCHK receives the full support of UOW in its educational resources and commitment to developing an enhanced student experience via student mobility and global exposure opportunities.

The College has a long tradition in the provision of sub-degree programmes since 1984. Our team of well-qualified and devoted teaching staff, all of whom holding postgraduate qualifications, has over 50% of its members possessing doctoral degrees. Students can develop cultural sensitivity, English proficiency and international perspectives through their day-to-day interactions with academic staff of different nationalities and cultures.

Apart from interactive teaching and learning in the classroom, our overseas and local teaching staff organize and lead students in co-curricular activities, field trips and study tours.

Dedicated to its mission of serving the needs of society for high-quality education, the College maintains a robust quality assurance system. Effective mechanisms have been set up to ensure that the stated learning outcomes of all academic programmes are at the appropriate Qualifications Framework (QF) level. Through periodic reaccreditation with the quality assurance agencies and close connection with industry advisers/partners in Hong Kong, all our programmes have been kept relevant to our industries and community.

The College actively promotes research as part of its strategic move towards ultimately becoming a university.

Research at the College is monitored by a College Research Committee (CRC). Staff have opportunities to apply for both internal and external research grants. Sources of external research grants mainly include the Research Grants Council (RGC), the Public Policy Research (PPR) fund, and the Quality Enhancement Support Scheme (QESS).

In the current academic year, the College has made awards to eight internal research applications and is in receipt of two external grants from the RGC. 

Being an integral part of the UOW global network, UOWCHK benefits from comprehensive support from UOW and other parts of the global network such as Malaysia and Dubai in research collaboration.

All academic programmes at our College have been designed with articulation opportunities and career prospects in mind.

At the degree level, the programmes in Japanese and Chinese languages implant linguistic and digital skills that are sought after in relevant job markets, while the finance, banking and marketing programmes produce graduates who can take up starting positions in private corporations and the public sector with roles in finance, investment, trust, retail and wholesale, etc. The Maritime programme produces graduates to support the development of logistics and transport industries in Hong Kong.

Graduates of the Bachelor of Aviation in Operation and Management programme will be competent for aviation related jobs in airlines, air freight, business aviation, aviation security management, or aircraft maintenance services logistics, etc.  For graduates of the Artificial Intelligence programme, they would be equipped for work as AI software engineers, algorithm engineers and data scientists, etc.  Completion of the degrees would enable graduates to seek even higher qualifications to further their careers. The College also produces graduates from Smart City Technology programme to match with Hong Kong Government’s aim to strive to build Hong Kong into a world class smart city. Graduates of the Bachelor of Social Science in Social Work programme are eligible to apply for positions such as assistant social work officers (or equivalent ranks) in the Social Welfare Department and in social service agencies.

At the sub-degree level, the College offers a range of programmes in both Associate Degrees and Higher Diplomas. The College’s Associate Degrees are designed to help graduates to continue studies at undergraduate level at the universities.   Graduates from our Higher Diplomas enjoy equal access to these further study opportunities. Sub-degree graduates have promising prospects in articulating to universities through multiple pathways, including local UGC-funded degree programmes.

Survey in 2023 showed that nearly 68% of sub-degree graduates went on to further studies in degree programmes while 22% decided to join the job market.  Among those sub-degree graduates who chose to pursue further studies, about 91% gained entry to publicly-funded and self-financing degree programmes. Among those who sought employment, they took an average of two months to get jobs with an average monthly salary of about HK$21,900.

The College offers two internal programmes preparing students to articulate to sub-degrees, namely, Diploma in General Studies and Diploma of Applied Education, both of which have a high articulation rate.

UOW College Hong Kong is part of the University of Wollongong (UOW) Global Network which has campuses in different overseas destinations. Our students can undertake study tours and exchanges to the other campuses in Australia, Dubai and Malaysia. To maximize students’ learning opportunities beyond Hong Kong, the College runs a Study Abroad Scheme and organizes regular Overseas Study Tours to various overseas countries.

The College maintains close links with industries to enable students to learn the fundamental skills necessary for success in the real world. Each year more than 300  students engaged in internships, special projects, fieldwork and site visits.

Each year the College sponsors numerous local co-curricular activities which enrich the learning experiences of our students. These activities covered community services, cultural awareness, language training, skill training, and teacher-student gatherings.

Our students have been able to win scholarships and awards from the Government and other external organizations on their own merits.  Apart from the Government and donor organizations, the College has made available numerous awards and scholarships to reward students who have excelled in academic and non-academic areas.  In the 2022-23 academic year, our students have been awarded scholarships of up to $1.5 million annually.

The College has a strong focus on English

and other foreign languages and provides sponsorship to those students who have achieved the required level in the internationally recognized language proficiency tests, the International English Language Testing System (IELTS), Test de Connaissance du Francais (TCF), Japanese-Language Proficiency Test (JLPT), Korean Language Ability Test (KLAT), National Putonghua Proficiency Test (PSC) and Diploma de Español Lengua Extranjera (DELE).

Our students have achieved remarkable results in IELTS in recent years. Together with good Cumulative Grade Points Average (CGPAs), they enhance students’ chances of getting admitted into senior year places of UGC-funded institutions.

Professional Bodies

The College has maintained close links with professional bodies shown below. These organizations offer exemptions, membership and/or recognition to our graduates with the relevant specialism(s).

  • CFA Institute


  • Hong Kong Designers Association


  • Hong Kong Hotels Association


  • Hong Kong Institute of Bankers


  • Hong Kong Institute of Certified Public Accountants


  • Hong Kong Institute of Human Resource Management


  • Hong Kong Institute of Marketing


  • Hong Kong Institute of Social Impact Analysts


  • Hong Kong Public Relations Professional’s Association


  • Hong Kong Recreation Management Association


  • Hong Kong Statistical Society


  • Hong Kong Logistics Association


  • Human Resources Management Association of Canada


  • Institute of Financial Planners of Hong Kong


  • PartnerNet, Hong Kong Tourism Board


  • Physical Fitness Association of Hong Kong, China


  • Social Workers Registration Board


  • The Chartered Institute of Marketing


  • The Institute of Purchasing and Supply of Hong Kong

Industrial practitioners are often invited to join revalidation panels of academic programmes to ensure that they stay relevant to our community and industry needs. In addition, these practitioners share their expertise through seminars so that students are informed of the latest developments in the industry.