Why study Information Technology?
Businesses rely on information technology to help them be more productive.
This career benefits any business by allowing companies to work more efficiently and to maximise productivity and with that comes faster communication, electronic storage and the protection of important documentation.
The world runs on technology, which is always changing and developing. It is good to know I have the skills and knowledge to get into a career, which is on the forefront of that and can allow me to always be learning.
- Bachelor of Computer Science#
- 人工智能(榮譽)理學士#
- 智慧城市科技與城市信息學(榮譽)理學學士#
- 理學副學士(資訊系統)
- 理學副學士(網絡及系統管理)
- 應用系統開發高級文憑
- 電腦網絡及系統管理高級文憑
# 免入息審查資助計劃 (NMTSS)