Students of Japanese at UOW College Hong Kong are bound to benefit from a generous donation of 160 books on Japanese language and culture from the Nippon Foundation.
Under the “Read Japan Project” by the Nippon Foundation, a non-profit organization in Japan, and implemented by the Japan Science Society (also non-profit), the project aims to provide readers of these noteworthy books with insights on Japan. The foundation also hopes to reach out to young researchers interested in Japan, as well as opinion leaders and intellectuals specializing in areas other than Japan studies.
This year, the Consulate-General of Japan in Hong Kong nominated UOW College Hong Kong as a recipient. The donated books will not only enrich our library collection, but will also provide important reference materials to UOWCHK students in both Associate and Bachelor Degree programmes in our College.
At the donation ceremony held on 6 December, 2021 at the College Library at UOWCHK Kowloon City campus, the Japanese Consul-General, Mr. Kenichi Okada made the presentation on behalf of the Nippon Foundation. Other consular officials included Ms. Mamiko Tanaka, Director of Public Relations & Cultural Affairs; and Mr. Yoshitaka Takase, Consul, Public Relations & Cultural Affairs.
Ms Vanessa Bourne, President of UOWCHK, expressed the College’s gratitude to the Nippon Foundation, the Japan Science Society, Dr. Rita Takahashi, Secretary-General and Principal of Japanese Language Course at the Japan Society of Hong Kong (also former Japanese Section Leader in UOWCHK); and Mr. Mike Mizoguchi, President of MRT (HK) Co. Ltd. and External Professional Adviser for Japanese courses at UOWCHK.
香港伍倫貢學院獲日本財団 (Nippon Foundation) 慷慨捐贈160册有關日本語言和文化的書籍,對本校學生甚有裨益。
是次捐贈是日本財団Read Japan Project其中一項活動,由日本科學協會 (Japan Science Society)負責執行。日本財団和日本科學協會均為日本的非弁利組織,該計劃旨為讀者提供一些有價值的書籍,以加深對日本的瞭解。此外,協會亦希望能夠幫助對日本研究有興趣的年輕研究員,以及不同範疇的專家和意見領袖。
捐贈儀式於二零二一年十二月六日在伍倫貢學院圖書館舉行,日本駐港總領事岡田健一大使代表日本財団出席捐贈典禮。與會領事館官員還包括廣報文化部部長田中麻美子(Mamiko Tanaka)和廣報文化部領事高瀨良孝 (Yoshitaka Takase)。
香港伍倫貢學院校長Vanessa Bourne向日本財団、日本科學協會,香港日本文化協會事務局長暨日本語講座校長高橋李玉香博士 (即香港伍倫貢學院日語課程前主任) ,以及課程校外專業顧問, 溝口鉄一郎 (Mike Mizoguchi); 表達深切謝意。
Please click here to see the video for the event.