Validation and Monitoring Committee


The Validation and Monitoring Committee (VMC) is set up under the Academic Board to assist the Board in carrying out its quality assurance responsibility in relation to the scrutiny of new course proposals, course validation and revalidation, monitoring and review. The VMC makes recommendations to the Academic Board on the conformity of new and revalidated programmes with the Academic Regulations and policies.

To oversee and monitor the implementation of quality assurance policies and procedures at programme level in the College, and to give feedback to the Quality Assurance Committee for further improvement.

To consider reports from the Programme Validation Panel (PVP) and Programme Revalidation Panel (PRP) for new and revalidated programmes of study in the College, with a view to ensuring their compliance with policies and regulations.

To advise the Academic Board on new and revalidated programmes.

To monitor and review the College’s programmes through the receipt of reports from the Programme Committees and to draw the attention of the Academic Board to suggested changes and any issues concerning the standard and quality of the programmes.

To appoint sub-committees, working parties and similar bodies for the purpose of discharging the duties of the Committee, and to approve their terms of reference and membership.


A senior full-time academic staff appointed by the Chairman of the Academic Board, UOWCHK.



Vice-President (Academic), UOWCHK

Chief-of-Staff, UOWCHK

Dean or his/her delegate of each Faculty, UOWCHK

Director of Quality Assurance or his/her delegate, UOWCHK

One full-time academic staff from each Faculty of the College, UOWCHK

Student Members

Two student representatives from the College, nominated by the Academic Board, UOWCHK



To be appointed by the Chairman of the Academic Board, UOWCHK


Term of Office

The period of office of Faculty appointed members shall be two years, whereas the term of office for the student members shall be one year.