iBlended Learning Steering Committee


The UOWCHK iBlended Learning (iBL) Steering Committee is responsible for overseeing the overall governance, planning, development, operation, monitoring and assessment of the adoption of iBL in UOWCHK.

To oversee, guide, review and assess iBL implementation in the College in the following aspects: 

  1. College-wide policy and governance
  2. Planning and subsequent monitoring of implementation
  3. Design and facilities provided in teaching and learning spaces in campuses
  4. Information technology systems, services and related software and hardware support
  5. iBL capacity building of teaching staff and students for effective deploying in iBL environment
  6. Collaboration with other UOWGE campuses and UOW on BL matters
  7. Participation in the UOWGE Blended Learning Steering Group

The iBL Steering Committee has the following membership composition:

Chair:                  Vice-President (Academic)

Membership:        President (ex-officio)

                            Academic Registrar

                            Associate Deans of each Faculty

                            Consultant (Educational Development)

                            UOWGE Blended Learning Steering Group representative

Secretary:            Appointed by the Chair

All members will be appointed by the President with a term of 2 years. The Committee will meet more frequently at the initial planning and development phase but at least once in each semester subsequently.