General Education Committee


The General Education Committee (GEC) under the Academic Board has the responsibility to set strategic direction and review the General Education (GE) components for all programmes of the College. The delivery of GE courses will be monitored by both the Associate Deans of Faculties, who are required to submit to the Validation and Monitoring Committee (VMC) an Annual Report on all GE courses offered in the respective Faculty, as well as by the GEC, which will review all GE course reports every semester.

  • To set policies for the development and consider the resources required for the delivery of GE courses for all programmes;
  • To design and define all Domains under which GE courses are offered, and to ensure the suitability and variety of courses under each Domain;
  • To vet initial proposals of GE courses and specified changes to GE courses prior to submission to the VMC;
  • To examine performance data and feedback on GE courses from various stakeholders and recommend improvement measures;
  • To provide staff development and training for academic staff teaching GE courses;
  • To oversee the promotion of the GE components and the individual courses, including the monitoring of the GE website of the College; and
  • To identify prominent lecturers/speakers to enhance the profile of the GE teaching team.

A senior staff of the College appointed by the Chairman of the Academic Board, UOWCHK


Vice President (Planning), UOWCHK

Vice-President (Academic), UOWCHK

Associate Deans of Faculties, UOWCHK

Chairman of Validation and Monitoring Committee, UOWCHK

Two staff members appointed by the Chairman of the Academic Board, UOWCHK


To be appointed by the Chairman of the Academic Board, UOWCHK