Admission and Academic Regulations Committee
The Admission and Academic Regulations Committee (AARC) under the Academic Board has the responsibility to review and formulate academic regulations for all academic programmes of the College. Its scope covers regulations regarding Admission, Registration, Medium of Instruction, Class Scheduling, Credit Transfer, Course Exemption, Length and Workload of Study, Withdrawal and Termination of Study, Examinations, Release of Examination Results, Academic Appeal, Academic Dishonesty, Application for Graduation, Requirements for Awards, and Award Classification.
- To advise Academic Board on all matters relating to the admission requirements and academic regulations;
- To monitor the implementation and effectiveness of academic regulations and undertake periodic reviews thereof referring matters to Academic Board for consideration on regular basis.
- To review and revise policies relating to admission and academic regulations and, where necessary, to formulate new policies, in consultation with faculties, for the admission, progression, assessment and graduation of students for the consideration of Academic board.
- To make decisions on proposals for special cases on those which do not conform with the approved regulations of student admission, registration, assessment and graduation.
- To undertake such other functions and activities related to academic regulations as may be requested by the Academic Board.
- To submit an annual report to Academic Board covering the period from 1st July to 30th June on the activities of the committee during the previous academic year.
Vice President (Planning), UOWCHK
Vice President (Academic), UOWCHK
Academic Registrar, UOWCHK
Associate Deans of Faculties, UOWCHK
Two staff members appointed by the Chairman of Academic Board, UOWCHK
To be appointed by the Chairman of Academic Board, UOWCHK